Tony Horton: Beyond P90X

Tony Horton
Jonathan: Hey everybody, Jonathan Bailor back – with another bonus Calorie Myth and Smarter Science of Slim Show. Very excited about today’s show because we have the one – the only – the founder of the InSANEly popular workout program P90X, as well as the author of the brand new book, fellow Harper Collins author and the book is called, “The Big Picture 11 Laws That Will Change Your Life,” Tony Horton. Welcome to the show, brother.
Tony: Jonathan – my man. Glad to be here, man.
Jonathan: Tony, Tony, I don’t know if you this, but I actually work over at – I worked at Microsoft over on the fitness team, so I got to see you and I got to see all the wonderful P90X action there with the Xbox Connect and it was really, really cool. You were everywhere.
Tony: That’s very exciting, yeah. We’re really excited about that project, trying to deliver P90X in a brand new way. Made it to a lot of folks that are afraid of infomercial product and are fired up to do it through the Xbox. That’ll be pretty cool.
Jonathan: Yeah, it’s very cool, man, so you’ve got that Xbox stuff. You’ve got the video stuff. You’ve got the book stuff, but I want to back up. I want to back up because you have created nothing short of an empire and I like to hear the story behind that because you’re a motivated guy. You’ve been at this for decades and I don’t know if a lot of people know that, right? They’re just like, ah, Tony — instant success, he’s lucky. What’s the back story – tell me about the –
Tony: Decades —
Jonathan: Tell them about the 10,000 hours.
Tony: People don’t realize I’m 85 years old, for a very long time. A lot of people don’t know my story I think as I go back and I was a kid who was not athletic by any means. I’d be optimistic because I had a C-minus average through school, but we moved around a lot when I was a kid. My father was in the military and then he moved with jobs, so I was in some places for a couple of months and then we’d move again. So, it was kind of a rough start. I was the kid that got beat up at the bus stop, and shoved up against the locker and his lunch money stolen – the whole nine yards. We finally settled in Connecticut and I was able to grow some roots in one place for more than a couple of years, but still I mean I was on the football team, but I was more of a tackling dummy really between Monday and Thursday than an actual player. I would roll around in the mud in the pre-game warm ups so it looked like I was playing.
Yeah, and I didn’t make the tennis team, which was frustrating, but I was pretty good with individual sports. I was on a gymnastics team at one of the schools as a kid, but we moved and we got to the new school, they didn’t have gymnastics, so and I’m doing it now in my 50s which I really enjoy. I’ve been an avid skier for years and that was the one thing that could do as a kid that I didn’t feel like I had to compete with anybody. It was all just me and the mountain, me and the terrain, me and the run and I enjoyed that, but when I moved out to California in 1980, I was kind of blown away by this entire lifestyle out here. In Connecticut, or upstate New York, in Rhode Island, you’ve only got about three or four months where the weather’s pretty decent, where you can get outside and there weren’t gyms on every corner. The gym was at the school. It was on the college campus or at the high school, and it usually wasn’t a very exciting or interesting experience. It was never very fun. It was always – going to the gym reminded me of pain and agony.
So when I came out to California and I saw that there were these really interesting body building gyms and aerobic gyms and all these different kinds of avenues in which to exercise and there were usually a lot of great pretty women in these and that was an incentive for me at the time. I’m this single kid from Connecticut and it just seemed like a better and more interesting way to meet people than going to a bar, which I did too, but this way, in the gym the lifestyle was more of what I was interested in and I just got caught up. I got up in the training and I joined a gym and I was doing aerobics classes and typically there was three guys in the classes and it was all women and I thought, why isn’t there more guys in here, this is insane, but I would everything. I’d go to the track. I just loved it because out here it’s been sunny out here for like 500 days in a row –California we finally got some the other day, but it’s just a new location created a new mindset. I was still eating crap. I was living off of hot dogs and pizza and double cheese Chimichangas, and I didn’t really equate the two, I just figured I’m young, and I’m exercising and I was able to maintain my physique, but I wasn’t feeling very good a lot of the time and a lot of it had to do with the low quality food and I know this is an area that you certainly are an expert, but I figured that out later. Then, to make a long story good, my first client was Tom Petty.
Jonathan: Oh, nice.
Tony: And I met him through a mutual friend. Actually met him through my boss and I got Tom in phenomenal shape, and he looked amazing and he was doing these three hour sets like these Bruce Springsteen-like sets and everybody said, when he’s wearing sleeveless shirts and his arms are shredded and people are thinking — what happened? And so, just within a year I was training Tom and Billy Idol and Annie Lenox from the Eurythmics and Bruce Springsteen when he was in town and Sean Connery – Shirley MacLaine and later became Usher and Ewan McGregor and Allison Janney and Jason Scheff from Chicago, the band Chicago, so I had this really cool life, but I was running all over town. There’s only so much you can do going between Venice and Malibu and Culver City and back to Hollywood and it was a pretty brutal day. It started usually around 5 o’clock in the morning and finished around late at night. And that was it. I didn’t have to be a mime at the pier anymore – the dancer at Chippendales anymore — have to do that plumbing gig or build that end table. I had this one thing that I was doing.
Jonathan: Yeah.
Tony: At the same time, I was pursuing an acting career and I wasn’t a very good actor, but a lot that you see with P90X x2, Ten Minute Trainer, x3, that my humor, my delivery, is an extension of a lot of the improv work and comedy I did – I attempted I’ll say that – standup comedy for a couple of years and that was a great education and so it’s come together now to be this fitness guru that I’ve become. It’s an amazing ride like you said –
Jonathan: Yeah.
Tony: It’s been decades in the making from 1980 to present and it’s a blast, man. It’s just a blast and like yourself, we have this amazing opportunity – there are so many people who are struggling with their health and their wellness, there’s an obesity crisis now — it’s beginning to make a shift, more and more people, the more corporations, more organizations and the health care industry is beginning to recognize that’s it not pills, potions and processed foods, it’s really a healthier lifestyle that’s going to provide a lot of people with the fountain of youth they’ve been looking for and you and I have that opportunity and it’s just fun. I had an interview yesterday with this guy who wants to do a reality TV show – he says, well, where do you struggle, I mean where are you – where are your dark places and I thought – I got rid of those in the 80s man – healthy food – and regular exercise provides me with a life I could have never imagined and it’s a fun, fun ride.
Jonathan: Well, Tony, you mentioned the word guru and it made me think of another word Outlier, I’m sure you’re familiar with Malcolm Gladwell’s work and his book, “Outliers,” and it’s you fit the mold of an Outlier, for the fitness industry, because there’s a lot of people that want to do or dream of doing what you’ve done and very, very few ever make it to the point you’ve made – what do you think made you an Outlier in this space.
Tony: I think it’s a couple of different things. When I was growing up and I look at the training techniques and methods that my coaches had in the 70s, it hadn’t really changed much since the 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s and I think it still exists throughout this country. It’s very myopic in nature. I mean a lot of diet folks and trainers have this sort of one dimensional view of it and they just assumed that because it was what their coaches and their coaches’ coaches handed to them that that’s what’s going to work – most people I think have a great aversion to physical discomfort. Know what I mean?
Jonathan: Yeah.
Tony: And so there’s got to be a delivery system, a form of rhetoric that disseminates this stuff in such a way where people get excited, stay excited and then make the shift a permanent shift. I think what I’ve done is I’ve given people multiple options, like if you look at P90X, or now P90X x3, you’ll see me on screen and you’ll see three versions of an exercise, which gives people a starting point. It’s not all pretty happy super models in the background doing it perfectly. That’s very intimidating. Say things like hit the pause button or skip this exercise or margin plays or flip me off, whatever it takes – it adds humor, I honestly I don’t think a lot of trainers have ever been able to do that and maybe it was just wasn’t in their nature or it’s really hard for them. Humor is one of those gifts that was handed to me from the gods.
Jonathan: Yeah.
Tony: Some people find me obnoxious –
Jonathan: You can’t please them all –
Tony: You can’t please them all man. At least a majority of folks out there who were looking for solutions in such a way so that they look forward to coming back and doing it again and again. So, the modifications have always been there, a gentle approach, maybe some tough love when appropriate, and just my expression, do your best and forget the rest kind of says it all, it really just says, your best today is not going to be your best from a week ago, or from a month ago and maybe you’re a little bit sick. Your biorhythms are out of whack or you didn’t – maybe you had a couple of cocktails last night – this is life man – your job is to show up. Your job is to show up, try to be as consistent as possible – don’t be attached to the outcome – enjoy the journey along the way – and add some variety of fitness. My success also comes from the fact that I understand multiple disciplines when it comes to exercise. It’s not just body building. It’s not just crossfit, it’s not just track workouts, it’s not just spinning, it’s not just the elliptical, it’s resistance, it’s core, it’s functional, it’s Pilates, it’s yoga, it’s stretching, it’s spot training, it’s everything.
Jonathan: Uh-huh.
Tony: When you work on multiple planes, when you train like athletes, and you give people modifications and you make it fun, you’re going to sell a few million copies of your stuff – and I think the reason why a lot of people aren’t as successful as I am is because they haven’t figured that out yet and I hope they never do.
Jonathan: Tony, you mentioned in your little bio there at the beginning – you mentioned you moved out and your diet was still a little bit garbage, you ate too many Chimichangas and you would exercise it off, maybe relying on a little bit on your age at that time, to factor, to give you a little bit of a margin of error. Now, with all the experience you have, all the millions of people whose lives you’ve touched, can you exercise off a bad diet?
Tony: Some people can. Twenty-two year old ectomorph canyon runners can. You know, 40 year old mothers of four kids with a busy schedule who’s never been athletic, who has an aversion to exercise can’t. So, one thing I’ve learned in 30 years of training, is one size doesn’t fit all, so I’m not vegan, I’m not Paleo, I’m not Flexitarian, for me and you and you and I both know this – it’s the quality of the food that you consume. It really comes down to that. The fat, sugar, salt, chemicals, processed food factories, food factory foods, fast foods, it’s all junk, it’s all garbage, it’s not pronounceable, it’s nothing that your great, great,great grandparents would even recognize so I’m just saying get back to basics, and figure out what would make those foods taste good and you’re going to give yourself a wide array of foods that are going to release the proper hormones for all your internal organs and your brain to function properly. Do you have to do that 100 percent of the time? I don’t know man, some people can. I mean robot people can – but I mean I reward once in a while – for my good behavior and so if it’s a piece of key lime pie or a chocolate chip cookie or a brownie once in a while, great, but I’m not going to eat donuts and pancakes and waffles and fried bacon and white bread. I’m not going to do it because it doesn’t serve my body, so occasionally wow, is that a fresh French fry, right up, give me that French fry, that’s seven hours. I’m eating a late lunch and some guy’s got a French fry, I’m going to stick it in my mouth, but in general, the goal here really is – is to train smart –
Jonathan: Yeah.
Tony: Work on your weaknesses, because automatically when you work on your weaknesses, it’s going to up, it’s going to up your intensity, because you’re learning something. These people that go into the gym and get on the elliptical for 45 minutes, four days a week, I don’t know you – wow — I don’t know I’d rather down a set of stairs or roll myself down a set of stairs than do that same repetitive ridiculous motion over, and over, and over again. Now, obviously if you’re starting out and it’s new to you, maybe the elliptical is the transition device that you need to start to move in a different way. That’s actually fine. Some people need to walk around the block before they start climbing and killing the (Inaudible 00:14:14) alright, so, and especially when it comes to food. Quality, quality, quality, quality, over quantity and you also have to keep in mind and this goes back to your original question, some people ectomorphs. They just are. Their metabolism is different than a mesomorph or an endomorph it just, it just is and some people are naturally more flexible. Some have a higher pain threshold, some people have less stress in their life, some people their cortisol levels aren’t as high as some other peoples’ are, because one guy’s working on Wall Street and the other one — yoga instructor. They metabolize food totally different, right? Just purely based on the level of stress. We don’t talk about stress very much, but when you can regulate that and get that under control, you’re going to train better, you’re not going to get hurt as often and there’s a greater likelihood that you’re going to have the discipline to eat better too.
Jonathan: Well, Tony, you mentioned earlier aversion to physical discomfort, which I think we could all agree with that most people have an aversion they’re not like oh, I like physical discomfort, but you are known for being an innovator in this space of saying, it’s not about just going through the motions. It’s not about just get on the treadmill for an hour a day – you’ve got to put something into it. It’s about quality of food — talk about quality of exercise — getting that intensity level up. How do you transition people in your personal experience to this just go through the motions mindset? I just put in the time to — it’s not about putting in the time, it’s about putting in the right time and exercising smarter, like you said. How do you help people make that mental transition?
Tony: Well, if you look at – if you look at the original product that we created with called beach body, it’s called Power 90, and we just actually did an updated version of it, coming out pretty soon here in June. I think I might have given away the — farm. That’s not true I made that up. Power 90 – these workouts were under a half an hour and our customers had phenomenal results, under a half an hour, and most people assume you’ve got to go the gym right, you’ve got to spend an hour, or an hour and 20 minutes in there doing weight training on one body part and then spending whatever, half an hour, 40 minutes on a cardio machine and that’s just archaic, antiquated philosophy and we’re talking about quality again here. It’s the quality of what you’re doing. It’s the range of motion in which your body is moving and it’s the variety of exercises that you need to be doing so that you don’t need to spend that kind of time in the gym and so we created P90X — those workouts worked about an hour just under an hour, and that was the traditional way of — in my opinion at that time ten plus years go, to get people inphenomenal shape. So what we basically did was, we eliminated the drive time between the house and the gym and then the wait time between sets at the gym and we condensed it all in front of your TV set so there was a bunch of time saved there. You’re still working out for almost an hour, the yoga routine is an hour and a half, that’s just me — I like an ass kicking. I just do and now I’m going to go at 4 o’clock and I go to my hour and a half level-3 yoga class and I’m going to be sweating bullets in there, that’s just me, but the science has shown lately and this is true with “10 Minute Trainer,” we created “10 Minute Trainer” for a vast majority of the people who looked at P90X or Power 90 and said sorry man, not my thing, don’t like to exercise, don’t want to spend that much time at it. So, it’s really about sequencing. It was really about making sure that each and every move was super-efficient and the entire body was involved so over the course of that ten minutes, they’re going to get phenomenal results, because they’re not just doing the same repetitive movement on a bike or a treadmill or a Versa Climber, well, a Versa Climber’s kind of a bear, but or an elliptical machine, which is going to lead to boredom and injuries and lack of results over the course of time because your body adapts to that same movement over and over again. If you’re jumping left and jumping right and going forward and you’re mixing in yoga with weight training and stretching and Pilates and ba-ba-bang and they’re all these things are condensed into one thing, then you’re going to get a helluva lot of results out of ten minutes.
One of the other things too that we’ve learned as popular as P90X was, out of 5 or 6 million copies around the world, why didn’t we sell 15 million copies or 20 million copies? There’s a whole lot of people out there that could certainly use those benefits and that’s why we came up with P90X x3, there’s no dilly-dallying. There’s barely enough time for me to talk, which is really, I gotta tell you Jonathan, it gets right into it, man, we created a separate disc which is a warm up disc, it’s called Cold Start. Use Cold Start if you need it. I know you’re working out in your basement and it’s the middle of February and you live in Minnesota. You probably don’t want to jump into those plyometric pushups right out of the box, so we gave you a separate workout to warm up, but for the rest of us that want a short two minute warm up, we get right into it, and it’s about sequencing the exercises and I know I said that once already so that in the shorter period of time you can get a whole lot done and see crazy results in 90 days.
Jonathan: Love it Tony. Well you obviously have been all over the screen and you have a previous book, but now you’ve got a second book – am I correct, this is number two?
Tony: This is technically three. I had an e-book too. The first one was “Bring It” and the next one was “Crush It” and we were going to call this one “Annihilate It,” we just got away from – from that.
Jonathan: I think you should have just called it “Read It,” that way people would kind of understand, oh, okay, I know what I’m supposed to do with this now.
Tony: You know, I like the way you think, dude. Fourth book, “Read It.”
Jonathan: So, Tony, tell us about the book is actually called “The Big Picture.” You’re talking about 11 laws, what inspired this work?
Tony: This is the book that I always wanted to write, and typically guys like us in our space, you get to your publisher first time and they tell you what they want you to write, based on whatever popularity you have and “Bring It” was a great book, but it was kind of an extension of stuff that I’ve already done, with the DVDs – it was a diet plan and a workout plan and some basic information, the 11 laws are actually mentioned in “Bring It,” but the great thing about you and I were with Harper and great folks over there and they let us write the book that we wanted to write based on our expertise. So, these 11 laws came out of about 30 years of experience. Like what was the secret formula to help people not only lose weight and get in shape, but really begin to enjoy their life and have it be an easy basic part of who they are, the foundation of who they are, so at this point forward, the big picture really becomes less about them and more about what they can do to help our societyto become better parents, to become better students, to become more productive, more adventurous, have a greater desire to explore the earth, taking the indoor training and the decent diet and sharing that with other people who need their help. That’s really what the big picture is. Can you imagine just for a second that if everybody ate really well, and exercised all the time, or exercised just enough so that they can be able to sustain their high quality of life, how dramatically this earth would change?
Jonathan: Yeah.
Tony: It’s crazy. We’d all be driving space cars – I don’t know, I’m going go fly up to the rings of Saturn – because we’ve got that technology now because everyone’s so sharp and so smart and so productive and living to be 110 years old, that we’re just getting a whole lot more done, so that’s really what the big picture is. It’s a combination of variety, consistency, a certain amount of intensity, having the purpose, having a plan, loving what you do, finding times to relax and recharge and restore, getting your stress under control. It’s a simple formula.
I mean, look, look how popular 10 commandments and 12 steps are. I just found a really awesome number in the middle – and I just – here are my 11 laws, that have helped me. This is the stuff – this is what I needed because I was a struggling kid – the frustrated kid – the big procrastinator – the horrible student – the bad athlete – and what did I do Jonathan, all I did was I started to eat better and exercise. I didn’t go to graduate school. I didn’t work harder on this. I worked harder on everything from the neck down which affected this because you know as well as I do if you’re eating right and you’re exercising, you’re going to release more norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, you know John Ratey in his book “Spark” talks about BDNF, brain derived neurotrophic factor and so it’s these proteins and molecules that are inside of our noggin, just sitting there waiting for us to move our butts and we create neurogenesis and so it improves cognition and memory and sex drive and it turns pessimists into optimists and it’s the fountain of youth, man. I mean it’s freaky that I’m this happy all the time. I mean I always feel — if I just stick to the rules, stick to the laws, then life is but a dream, man, life is but a dream.
Jonathan: I love it. Well, it’s a wonderful — it’s wonderful to show how that which some, let’s call them some who haven’t experienced it may just see as a pursuit of vanity, is actually the exact opposite of that. It is a platform on which you can build this masterpiece which transcends the physicality – that’s really just a stepping stone, it’s something we can control – something, there’s no politics involved whether or not you put the right thing in your mouth. You don’t have to depend on someone else for that. You’ve got control over that and those small victories as you know, start to allow you to make much bigger victories, which is really cool.
Tony: Well, you nailed it on the head. The two things you control, honestly in your entire life, what you put in your mouth and whether you move or not.
Jonathan: Yeah.
Tony: All the other — you can’t control the weather, your family, traffic, people at work, you have no control over those things, your kids – you think you do, but you don’t. Things that you can’t control, and you really are as good as your last workout and your last meal and so if you’re eating crap and not moving, then what a shock your life is harder than it needs to be and so if you really can get these two things under control, you begin to think outside of the box, you begin to explore more, you want to travel more, you want to solve problems more, you don’t feel the burden of life so much, you have a desire and willingness to attack it, man.
Jonathan: Yeah.
Tony: So now you become an example – you become this light that people are attracted to and they think man – you used to be a screw up – and I didn’t see you go to graduate school or special ed classes, you’re just – you’re slimmer, you’re happier, you’re more productive, tell me what that is, what the formula and so that’s really ultimately what I’m trying to do with the Big Picture. It’s just explain to people that look man, if I can do it — who never graduated college, who was the biggest procrastinator in the world and never exercised and ate garbage all the time – if I can do it, you can do it. So, it’s really that simple. It’s the back phone – I’m going to ignore though.
Jonathan: Well, Tony I love it. Obviously you’ve done so much. You’ve been at this, you’ve been dedicating your life to this longer than many people in the field have been alive which is amazing and we salute you for that, so it’s very wonderful. What is next for you in this journey?
Tony: Well, I’m glad you asked. There’s a couple of things that I’m really, really excited about. Number one is I have a home delivery food service called Tony Horton Kitchen and it’s organic food that is delivered right to your door. There’s a Paleo version, a Flexitarian, a vegan version, vegetarian version, and it comes fresh to your door. It’s tripled sealed, it’s organic, no GMO, it’s pretty rocking, so when it comes to home delivery food, it’s not an easy business. A lot of people – it’s a very — kind of new frontier for people, because they’re used to that traditional model of going to the store and parking the car and breaking out their lists and throwing their stuff in the cart and then dragging it home and sticking everything in the refrigerator, and pantry and freezer and pulling it all back out and all the pots and pans. That’s just what we’ve been – getting it delivered to your door so all I have to do is heat it up, heat it up and throw away the container, that’s kind of new for folks, but the really neat thing is that 7-Eleven and I are beginning to work on delivering Tony Horton Kitchen to 7-Eleven stores in Southern California. We’re going to start there we’re hoping around May – we’ve approved all the meals and it’s really neat, that a big corporation like 7-Eleven understands that a lot of their stores are in the middle of food deserts, and Slurpees and hot dogs and Red Bull and Cheetos, there’s a place for those, I don’t know where.
Jonathan: In the garbage can – no, I’m just kidding.
Tony: No, man – I think it’s very commendable that they have come to me and said hey we really like your food service, we want to be able to provide that for our customers as well and so that’s going to have a huge impact, so we have great expectations there. Also I’m at the early stages of my new clothing line –
Jonathan: Nice.
Tony: Tony Horton Apparel and I’ve gotten all our samples and this stuff is so beautiful. Right now we’re working on the Women’s line, we want to make sure that the gals get this cool stuff as the guys are getting and so we’re hoping for an early summer launch on that and we had a really cool meeting about that as well and a brand new YouTube channel, Tony Horton Fitness, if you haven’t seen it, and you like the Tony Horton products, but you want some new stuff, there are some rocking, killer, five to eight minute workouts.
I know how you are, you’re just like me, Jonathan, it doesn’t have to be an hour, you can get – there’s an all burpee five minute workout, distract me – destroyed me – but oh my god I got an amazing pump, I got that oxygen into my brain,norepinephrineis flying and so that’s a really excited about that one too, so lot’s going, still super busy – the brand new launch of P90X x3 is really taking off – people love the fact that we’ve condensed an hour long P90X workout into a half an hour, it doesn’t mean that’s it’s the same workouts, all new moves so Tony is very, very busy and last, but not least, I’ve been to 48, 48 military bases around the world from Kosovo to Korea, and we’re looking at lining up our next one coming up here in 2014, and I just love working with our military. I’ve been to the Pentagon twice, I’ve been to the Canadian Embassy, I’ve got fans from Paul Ryan to the First Lady, so all political lines and that’s good, because that’s what it’s about so – that’s where I am man and we’re excited about 2014.
Jonathan: Well, that’s awesome Tony. Well, I so salute you for spending so much time and effort and blood, sweat, and tears, frankly, because I can imagine it isn’t always smiles on helping people on a mass scale to live better.
Tony: Hey are you always like that? I mean are — do you ever – yeah, I get impatient sometimes, maybe once in a while, that’s one of the things that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. That’s something I’m working on. For the most part, I’m telling you, if you do these simple things, it’s smiles all the time. I’ll run into people at the airport or in a mall, and they’ll stop me and I’ll be running for a plane and I just want to hear their story because their story is something that I need to hear so that when I run into somebody else, I can say, hey, man, I just met this person. Yeah, I met a kid skiing, 6’7,” former collegiate lineman –
Jonathan: Wow.
Tony: Blew out his knee didn’t make the pros, got up to 400 lbs., lost the weight with P90X and he showed me a video right there in the lodge of him doing a flip off a cat track on – 6’7,” former lineman doing a flip on his snowboard. He said you’re the reason why I can do that. That’s all smiles all day, dude, that’s – it’s cool.
Jonathan: I love it, Tony, well thank you for setting that wonderful example again. Give us those few names, the book, the product, the websites, all the good stuff.
Tony: You want to hear them now?
Jonathan: One more time, yes.
Tony: You’ve got Tony Horton Fitness on YouTube, go there, like it, subscribe I appreciate that. “The Big Picture,” just launched this week, it’s really the 11 laws, will really change your life, it’s changed my life, it’s changed a lot of the people’s lives I’ve met over the course of last 30 years, so run out and get that. Look for THK in 7-Eleven, Southern California first so if you’re in Southern California person run in and say, I demand my Tony Horton, and of course P90X x3, it’s been out now almost a month and we’re getting a lot of day 30, day 40, day 50 pictures and it just goes to show you what a half an hour can do so if you have a busy schedule and you still want to get ripped and healthy and fit, check out the P90X x3 baby.
Jonathan: Beautiful Tony, thank you so much for all that you’ve done, all that you continue to do and for all your wonderful energy and for sharing that with us today.
Tony: Thank you Jonathan. Thank you for having me on – I’m a big fan of yours man, I think you’re just – we need to collect more guys, more Outliers man, we (tape mute 31:38 ) I don’t know.
Jonathan: What if combined the X with the O for Outliers then we got hugs and kisses and we’re all good.
Tony: You’re the man.
Jonathan: Thank you so much and viewers, I hope you enjoyed this wonderful conversation as much as I did, our guest as you know is the amazing Tony Horton and remember this week, and every week after, eat smarter, exercise smarter, and live better. Chat with you soon.