The Too Expensive Myth

Is buying quality food for your family “expensive” like buying quality brakes for your family car is expensive? Or, what if fat burning, health boosting, and delicious food didn’t have to be expensive at all? Watch this and see how to spend less and burn more with three simple tips.


56 seconds into this video I misspeak. Genetically modified (GMO) foods should be avoided whenever possible. Also, when shooting videos, misspeaking and not catching it until it’s too late should also be avoided whenever possible 😉


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Save Money and Shed Pounds with These 3 Delicious Healthy Tips

Remember the first time you walked down the aisles of a specialty grocery store? You probably said to yourself, “This is all so expensive!” Organic this and grass-fed that. GMO free and locally sourced. And, on and on and on.

Even simple food items are double or triple the cost at a regular local grocery store. We know organic and natural foods are better for us than conventional food items, but it seems just too expensive to eat healthy! Not true. Eating nutritious WHOLE foods is actually less expensive than eating specialty foods and they provide comparable nutritional value. Cost-effective grocers provide you with just as many excellent health options as a specialty store. It’s all about knowing what to buy.

Focus on Progress Instead of Perfection

First, we need to understand that food does not have to be “perfect” to be nutritious. “Perfect” foods (GMO-free, organic, grass-fed) can be expensive and—while they are perfect options—you can get the vast majority of their health and slimming benefits while saving money, if you shop smarter at a conventional grocery store.

Let’s say that on a plate before us we have 6 oz of organic, grass-fed, GMO-free kobe beef topped with organic roma tomato slices on a bed of organic arugula. This is the crème de la creme of all-natural food. It also costs $20.00. Now compare that to a second plate with 8 oz of lean ground beef bought in bulk, fresh tomato and crisp greens. The cost is only $3.00, and the nutrition is outstanding.

Isn’t Organic Always Better?

Contrary to what you’ve been told, organic does not necessarily equal “healthy.” An organic, locally sourced starch is going to wreak the same havoc on your metabolic system as a conventional starch. Standard spinach will always be better for you than an organic, local, GMO-free bread or pasta—no matter where you buy it.

Try this. Fill a grocery cart containing $100 worth of high-end food items from a specialty grocery store. Now fill the cart with $100 worth of whole foods found in nature and purchased in bulk. You will clearly see that the second cart is overflowing with nutritious and delicious food options you can use to create many more meals than with the items in the first cart.

What About “Cheap” Processed Foods?

Now wait, wouldn’t it make sense then to fill the shopping cart with even less expensive, processed food items? Not at all. You will end up spending dramatically more money in the long run. The key is to understand the science of Satiety and Nutrient Density. Heavily processed items, while seemingly inexpensive, are made with low quality raw materials that replace valuable nutrients with fillers. Not only do these food products have less essential nutrients, they also won’t fill you up. That means you will actually eat more of the highly processed foods to feel satisfied, and in the end it will cost you more because you need to buy and eat much more to feel satisfied.

Your 3 Keys to Saving Money and Shedding Pounds

You can eat healthfully and deliciously starting today without breaking the bank. Just remember the 3 key principles of affordable healthy eating:

  • Buy whole foods in bulk.
  • Stick to foods that you can find in nature.
  • Avoid highly processed “edible products.”


Whether you are wealthy enough to always shop at a specialty grocery store or not, no one wants to waste their money. And if you follow the key principles of smarter shopping, you can stock up on enough affordable healthy foods to fix and enjoy many more meals than you might think. Starting today, you can save your life and the lives of those you love while saving money. Buying and eating smarter is tasty, inexpensive and invigorating!


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