The Calorie is a Calorie Myth

What if a calorie quality mattered even more than calorie quantity? Watch this and see how improving the quality of calories you eat can free you from calorie counting forever.

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  • The 3 Devastating ‘Dieting Myths’ that have finally been replaced by science & clinical research
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A Calorie is a Calorie Like The Earth is Flat

When it comes to dropping fat, we all know it’s all about counting calories, right? Just eat less and exercise more because all calories are created equal. If we drop the calories, we drop the fat. Case closed. Only thing is: it’s a myth.

It seems so reasonable, even intuitive, that long-term fat loss is just about quantity of calories. Yet although this seems to make sense, it has been scientifically proven to be wrong. It’s like believing the world is flat because that’s how it looks outside your window. First impressions aren’t always right; and this impression about calories is not only wrong but harmful. Improving the quality of calories you eat—not counting the quantity of low-quality calories you eat—is the key to dropping fat and healing your body practically and permanently.

Exercise Does NOT Cancel Out Low-Quality Foods

Let’s say that you ran for 20 minutes on a treadmill and the machine says you burned 100 calories. Now you are “allowed” to eat 100 calories of anything, right? Wrong. You know intuitively that eating 100 calories of chocolate cake is not the same as eating 100 calories of nutritious protein and veggies. It’s the same caloric value but not the same nutritional value. Still, isn’t it just common sense that a calorie is a calorie just like a rose is a rose? It doesn’t really matter how we get those calories. But according to the contemporary science of nutrition, it does matter. It matters a whole lot. There is a dramatic difference between conventional “wisdom” about calories and scientific fact. Let’s check out the nutritional value of the chocolate cake mentioned above and a serving of chicken breast on a bed of kale with red peppers.

The chocolate cake has one gram of protein and 40 grams of sugar. The chicken breast has 20 grams of protein and zero grams of sugar. Same calorie count, but hormonally speaking, your body reacts differently to sugar than it does to protein. Here’s why…

Different Calories Do Different Things In Your Body

Those sugar calories can cause a hormonal clog that makes it difficult for your body to burn fat regardless of how little you eat or how much you exercise. Too much sugar in the bloodstream is toxic. The body has protective mechanisms to regulate blood sugar. Eating sugar triggers a release of insulin that pulls the sugar out of the blood stream and stores it as fat for later use. On the other hand, calories from protein and vegetables help you to effortlessly clear that hormonal clog.

When it comes to practical and permanent fat loss and health, a calorie is NOT a calorie. The proven science of nutrition reveals that thinking about calorie quality is much more important than thinking about calorie quantity. If fact, you can eat more calories and exercise less if you simply switch to a high-quality calorie approach. Eat the right calories–lose fat in the process.

What Are High-Quality vs. Low-Quality Calories?

How do you know which calories are high quality and which calories are low quality? The simple way is to identify the quality of calories and their clog causing or clearing impact by a simple system I call SANEity. The acronym goes like this:

  • Satiety: How quickly calories fill us up, and how long they keep us full
  • Aggression: How much hormonal havoc the calories cause
  • Nutrition: How many essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats the calories provide
  • Efficiency: How easily the calories can be stored as body fat

A calorie is a calorie like water is water. There’s a reason we don’t fill up our water bottles just anywhere. The proven science shows:

  1. Quality of calories—not counting calories—is the key to the metabolic healing required for long term fat loss and health.
  2. Calorie counting is about starving your body whereas calorie quality is about healing your body.
  3. Eating more high-quality SANE calories so that you are too full for inSANE low-quality calories is the key to reaching your goals enjoyably and permanently.

More SANE high-quality whole food, less math. Simple enough.

Stop Starving Yourself. Download Your Free SANE Eating Fast-Results Blueprint Now!

  • The scientifically proven method to lose 30-100 pounds by eating MORE & exercising LESS*
  • The 3 Devastating ‘Dieting Myths’ that have finally been replaced by science & clinical research
  • The 6 simple steps you can take now to start dropping extra pounds immediately & permanently
