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Real-Life Insights and Takaways
- You know your metabolism is healed when you eat when you’re hungry, you stop when you’re full, you don’t have severe cravings and you’re at a healthy weight.
- The question is, what can you do for the rest of your life? This has got to be something that you can enjoy forever. So even if a smoothie is three percent better or you if you drink it right after you blend it, what’s better? Having a three percent better smoothie that makes you late for work and stresses you out because the kids are screaming and you’ve got to turn the blender on or saying, “Look, I’m going to make all my smoothies on the weekend. I’m even going to freeze half of them and that’s something that I can do and I’m not going to get stressed about it.”
- The reason that every diet, all of us have tried that has failed us is because it’s like, “Eat perfect and your happiness doesn’t matter.” And first of all, perfect isn’t possible and that actually makes us not happy and because we’re not happy we don’t sustain it and because we don’t sustain it we yo-yo diet and then we end up worse off than if we never even started it in the first place.
- With no stress, there is no growth. So the goal isn’t to avoid all stress at all. In fact, avoiding all stress would cause death because our immune system would shut down and that’s not good. If we’re going to stress about anything, stress on the things that matter and maybe just not take on the mindset of healing and opportunity and one day at a time, progress rather than perfection.
- If you’re currently eating five servings of vegetables per day, for the next week try to do seven. And for the week after that go up to nine, for the week up to that go up to 11 at the most. So escalate by two servings per week to give your body some time to digest. That’s really going to help with bloating. The other thing that’s going to help with bloating is to make sure that your servings of vegetables are spaced out across the day.
- The metabolic healing that’s going to happen by eating more of the right kind of foods to help re-regulate hormones is going to help to burn off the belly fat that is unnatural. Now, to be clear, some level of fat around the midsection is natural. Having a six pack for most of us is not natural. to lean out. Belly fat is definitely a hormonal issue first and so, as we continue to go SANE, exercise eccentrically and give our bodies time to heal hormonally that’s really going to help there.
Instead of taking any form of synthetic vitamins I try to get all my vitamins and minerals from whole foods in natural doses in the context of a whole food. Part of the reason for that is when you eat the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in a context of a whole food they’re going to be presented to your body in the context in which they’re supposed to be consumed and therefore be utilized much better by your body. - The key thing is to make sure we’re eating at least three whole food meals per day. Each one of those meals is going to contain between two or three servings of vegetables and then if we’re going super SANE and we’re going to aim for double digit servings of vegetables by incorporating some SANE green smoothies into our lifestyle.
- I would really encourage you to start with whole foods in their natural form first and then use everything else, such as vegetable powder, as a way to take it from great to spectacular. Or if you’re on the road, or if there’s nothing else available.
- You can tell if one thing is SANEr than the other by calorie per calorie, whichever one has more protein, whichever one has more fiber and then whichever one has more vitamins and minerals that’s the SANEst choice.
- You can use any kind of salad dressing that doesn’t contain hydrogenated oils or added sugars. Do an Internet search for diabetic friendly salad dressing or low-sugar salad dressing or all-natural salad dressing. Find dressings that have an ingredients list with maybe six items or shorter and all of the ingredients are pronounceable and none of them are sugar. For example, oil and vinegar you can make at home, or you can use lemon juice. At the end of the day, we just want to eat foods that don’t have a bunch of toxic nonsense in them.
- Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it’s SANE and just because something is SANE doesn’t mean it’s natural. With SANE, a food is either highly satisfying or it isn’t, it either does or doesn’t cause hormonal chaos, it either does or doesn’t provide essential nutrition, it either is or isn’t efficiently stored as body fat, and we can measure all of those components. That’s why a SANE lifestyle gives us that comprehensive view.
- Eccentric exercise is specifically designed to provide you with the most muscle stimulation with the least negative side effects.
- Eccentric exercise is just taking existing physical movements and making sure that we focus on where our muscles are the strongest because when we do that we can actually activate more muscle fibers and we benefit more.
- The exercises I show you in the program, (i.e. squats, push-ups,etc.), are not new exercises, but what is new is how you perform the lowering motions so that you maximize the amount of muscle fibers used.
- I would recommend a huge amount of natural movement that works with your body, that human beings have been doing for a really long time. Do as much of that as you possibly can and then we’re going to supplement that with a little bit of high, high intensity, but very safe and slow eccentric training and then once, possibly twice per week, of the smarter interval training. And then if you want to do things like yoga and Pilates, these very low impact restorative exercises those are fabulous options as well.
SANE Soundbites
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10:04 – 11:10 Your muscles actually generally generate force more effectively as they extend than when they contract. So we say eccentric exercise, what we mean is just take existing physical movements and make sure that we focus on where our muscles are the strongest because when we do that we can actually activate more muscle fibers and we can get a better benefit. Going back to the biceps analogy, right. If I were to stop when I could no longer lift the weight I wouldn’t have completely fatigued this muscle because if I can’t lift the weight that doesn’t actually mean the muscle is completely fatigued. Because I could still lower it.
So as you learn about the eccentric exercise you must make sure that you maximize the amount of resistance you use while you lower down rather than like a new exercise. If that makes sense. So that’s why the exercises I show you in the program squats, push-ups, things like that, that’s not a new exercise, but what is new is how you perform the lowering motions that you maximize the amount of muscle fibers used.
14:20 – 15:19 . I’m not a huge fan of grains for a couple of reasons, but we can always say what the SANEst grain is. I mean, we could say what’s the SANEst anything, what’s the SANEst ice cream, what the SANEst candy bars, what’s the SANEst grain. The SANEst grain is going to be the grain which calorie per calorie, so look at a 100 calories of wheat, a 100 calories of barely, a 100 calories of spelt, a 100 calorie rye, a 100 calorie of oats, whichever one has the most protein and fiber in a 100 calories—you have to compare by calories though, you can’t compare by cup because they have different volumes. So comparing one cup of flour to one cup of spinach isn’t the fair comparison because the flour is all compacted down. So you have to compare by calorie. So just compare 100 calories of each, and this is actually a great rule for anything. You can tell if one thing is SANEr than the other by calorie per calorie.
22:28 – 23:33 So remember, when I say exercise less, but smarter, what I mean is less of the conventional type of jogging and destructive high impact nonsense like that. Ten thousand steps, like moving, if you’re at a desk, if at all possible, get a standing desk. Like standing, walking, moving your body, 10,000 steps, that’s incredibly important. Being outside, being in nature, movement, things which our ancestors did that aren’t like exercises in the formal sense. I mean, nowadays I feel like sometimes our borough around exercise is gotten so low, we say that like walking is exercise. And walking isn’t exercise, walking is being a person. Walking is movement. Exercise is something very specific that we do, it’s almost unnatural—that doesn’t mean it’s bad.
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How do we get 14 portions of non-starchy vegetables, six portions of protein, fat I have no problem with? So the vegetables from—just the key is to get three servings in each meal. So breakfast, lunch and dinner, three servings a pop and with breakfast that could be as simple as having a green smoothie or having some vegetables scrambled with eggs or things along those lines. Lunch, you got a salad or a salad as a side with whatever you eat and dinner, it’s usually it’s just a side of big vegetables. That in it of itself is nine servings of vegetables right there. If you throw in one or two green smoothies you’re at 14 servings. So the key thing is just to make sure we’re eating at least three whole food meals per day. Each one of those meals is going to contain between two or three servings of vegetables and then if we’re going super SANE and we’re going double-digit servings of vegetables we’re going to incorporate some SANE smoothies into our lifestyle, some SANE green smoothies, blending them up and then if you want to you can also add SANE superfoods to your smoothies and very easily get to a 14th serving by using smoothies, SANE superfoods and whole foods at every single meal. So boom, that’s my answer to that one.
Let’s go here. A couple of other quick ones. Why do you prefer whey protein versus defatted beef protein? I don’t prefer whey protein to defatted beef protein. I think they are both fantastic. The reason I don’t provide a clean defatted beef protein—maybe that’s why this individual, I don’t—I apologize if I ever said that whey protein is better than defatted beef protein. I don’t think that. The question may be because in the SANE store we have clean whey protein, pea protein, rice protein and hemp protein and we just can’t find a good clean source of defatted beef protein. So defatted beef protein is great, and in fact if you want to go super advanced, desiccated beef liver, which is just dried out beef liver—most of us know that organ meats are incredibly nutrient dense, but it’s very difficult to find and prepare delicious organ meats, at least in the United States. So if you want all the B vitamins and other goodness that’s found in liver, for example, you find, there’s a company called Beverly International which sells the product called Ultra 40, which is just dried Argentinean grass-fed beef liver in little tablets. Each tablet is two grams of protein because it’s just protein. It’s very convenient. It sounds disgusting, it’s not meant to be delicious, it’s meant to be nutritious. So yes, I don’t prefer whey protein. It’s just a different form of protein that does different things as well. Beef protein is a different form of protein that does other things well.
All right. So Candy has a question. She says what do you think of superfood powders for smoothies? I think they’re great. We got 80 of them available in the SANE store. I personally would recommend using them in the context of a whole food smoothie. You’ll never hear me say, ever, and if you do call me out on it, “Hey, use something that I sell instead of eating whole food.” Ever. Ever, ever, ever. Even though the stuff that the SANE store sells is whole food like powdered spinach is just spinach that has water taken out of it, I want you to be eating whole foods. I want you to get in the habit of eating whole foods and I want you to enjoy the satiating benefits of eating whole foods. Like, we need to get out of the mindset of like a hack, “I’m going to hack my body.” We need to feel our body and we can certainly use science, of course, to help with that.
How do I get 14 servings of vegetables per day, that’s just like it’s too bulky to fit in my stomach? Yes, maybe you put one or two servings of whole food vegetables that you get from your grocery store in your smoothie and then maybe you put a tablespoon or two of Garden in My Glass, sweetens it up a little bit and gives you some vegetables that you can’t buy at your local grocery store and some fruits that you can’t buy in your local grocery store. So I think they’re great as addition on top of whole foods, but I had people ask me like, “Jonathan, it’s actually less expensive for me to just take your Garden In My Glass green powdered vegetable powder than it is to take the time going to the store, buying vegetables, should I just do that?” And my answer is no. Like if your sole source of vegetables are powders or if your sole source of protein is powders I would encourage you—I mean, that’s better than not having vegetables, but I would really encourage you to start with whole foods in their natural form first and then use everything else as a way to take it from great to spectacular. Or if you’re on the road, or if there’s nothing else available.
Motivation, craving sugar, and caffeine. Dealing with resistant teenagers. So I’m sorry I don’t know what the actual question is, but I can imagine that dealing with resisting teenagers would be very, very challenging. When it comes to eating SANE for your family lots of great resources there in the program and we’re certainly happy to help in the support group. If you’re on the call live now please, let me know specifically how I can help and I would be happy to.
Adapting eccentric exercise for a person who’s very overweight, out of shape and has arthritis, is it possible? Absolutely. Eccentric exercise is actually optimized in a lot of ways for people who are just getting started because it’s so slow and controlled. So the key thing that makes exercise hard for someone who’s struggling with arthritis or who is very out of shape or is very overweight—like let’s look at the opposite of eccentric exercise or something that’s super high impact, moderate intensity exercise such as jogging, if you are arthritic and have 60 pounds of excess fat on your body, essentially jumping up and down on pavement is without question going to do more harm than good. Absolutely going to do more harm than good. But with eccentric exercise that is specifically designed to follow your body’s natural motion paths and to do that in a very slow and controlled fashion. So as you go through your step-by-step program—I think it’s the first course on eccentric exercise. We actually have doctor Kathy Bertel who I believe—I mean, she acts like she’s 35 so it’s kind of hard to tell, but she is an MD who might even be in her 70s, I don’t know because she seems to transcend age, and she’s definitely—there’s a video in there where she shows how to make some awesome adaptations of eccentric exercise. But remember, eccentric exercise is specifically designed to provide you with the most muscle stimulation with the least negative side effects. So it is perfect in that context.
And we actually have another question that was posted in the support exercise that they said I would answer here and that was can you do eccentric exercise on a trampoline? And I think the short answer is, unfortunately, not. So I want to pop out a level here and clarify what eccentric exercise is because I think there might be just a little bit of confusion, especially as we’re getting started. Eccentric exercise isn’t like a different exercise. For example, most of these DVD programs that you see sold it’s like, “Oh, there’s this new movement that you’ve seen before and if you move your arm in this way specifically it solves all your problems.” And of course, it doesn’t and those are all scams.
What eccentric exercise is, is it’s just every exercise you’ve ever done in your life has an eccentric component. Every movement you make has an eccentric component. What I mean by that, and I apologize for—I think we’ve covered this before, so please, bear with me if you heard this already, but it’s really important. So if you’ve got your muscle here, so if you contract your muscle here. I’m flexing my muscle, look at my muscle. I feel like an idiot. All right. So if you contract your muscle that’s the concentric movement, when you extend, see how the muscle is extending that’s eccentric. Concentric contracting, eccentric, concentric. So any time your muscle extends that’s called the eccentric contraction. So every movement has an eccentric and a concentric component and there’s also isometric. So if you were to just hold a movement like if you’re pressing against something, you’re pushing, contracting, you’re lowering back down, eccentric extending and then if you hold this that’s isometric.
So every movement that the human body can make has really three things, contraction, concentric, extending, eccentric or of holding the position, isometric. So we say eccentric exercise, what we mean is just that your muscles like if you the same biceps movement and we were to put resistance on hands and go like this, this muscle, my biceps can handle about 40 percent more resistance going like this. So for example, if I should go like—if I could curl a 100 pounds then I could more than likely extend down a 140 pounds. I couldn’t lift, I couldn’t contract a 140 pounds, but I could extend. That’s just because it’s like having a dominant versus a non-dominant hand. If you’re right handed you can just use your right hand more effectively than you can use your left hand.
Your muscles actually generally generate force more effectively as they extend than when they contract. So we say eccentric exercise, what we mean is just take existing physical movements and make sure that we focus on where our muscles are the strongest because when we do that we can actually activate more muscle fibers and we can get a better benefit. Going back to the biceps analogy, right. If I were to stop when I could no longer lift the weight I wouldn’t have completely fatigued this muscle because if I can’t lift the weight that doesn’t actually mean the muscle is completely fatigued. Because I could still lower it.
So as you learn about eccentric exercise just make sure that you maximize the amount of resistance you use while you lower down rather than like a new exercise. If that makes sense. So that’s why the exercises I show you in the program squats, push-ups, things like that, that’s not a new exercise, but what is new is how you perform the lowering motions that you maximize the amount of muscle fibers used. So how does that relate to a trampoline? One, a trampoline, part of the eccentric exercise is moving very slowly on the lowering portion because that’s again going to maximize force. I’m not really sure how to move slowly on a trampoline, I’m not super familiar with trampoline-based exercises, but it just seems like if you’re using a trampoline the idea of taking a lot of resistance and moving it very slowly—like one of the general principles of eccentric exercise is you only want to exercise eccentrically when balance is not required. Because the goal of the eccentric exercise is not to enhance balance, it’s to metabolically heal you. So we would never want to do eccentric exercise with like a one-legged squat. Because you might fall over, you might hurt yourself, and if you hurt yourself there’s no form of exercise getting done. So I think you can maybe make your trampoline-based exercises more eccentric by performing the lowering portions slower, but I don’t necessarily think trampoline is the optimal context in which to perform eccentric exercises if that makes sense.
That was a lot. All right. So we got some good questions here that were written in. Susanne, what do I think of Fiber One cereal? I would strongly recommend against it. It’s a bunch of artificial nonsense and I would strongly recommend that you get your fiber from vegetables just because. Please, let me know if you have more questions, but that for me is an easy answer. I would strongly recommend against Fiber One cereal, I would strongly recommend that you get your fiber instead from vegetables. Easy enough. So let me know if you want more on that one. All right. So it looks like Susanne may—again, guys I’m so sorry if I missed your questions. Please, just post them again using the question versus the comment bubble, so I can see them. I apologize.
Debra, I’m having trouble with caffeine and green tea, is there any disadvantage of using decaffeinated green tea? Great question and there is no disadvantage. So the EGCG, the active component, the very strong polyphenol found in green tea is not negatively affected by the decaffeination process. Excellent question. Absolutely, decaffeinated green tea is a fine way to go.
Fantastic question. AM says, I’m a practicing orthodox Jew and as such need bread from flour made from one of the five grains, wheat, barely, spelt, rye or oats at least one day a week three times on that day. So I think your question might be maybe which of those grains I would recommend the highest. If it does not please, tell me because that’s the question I’m going to answer. So I’m not super familiar with those grains. I would pick the grain that is the highest in protein and fiber per gram. So it’s not wheat, definitely not wheat. I could tell you definitely not wheat. I’m not a huge fan of grains for a couple of reasons, but we can always say what the SANEst grain is. I mean, we could say what’s the SANEst anything, what’s the SANEst ice cream, what the SANEst candy bars, what’s the SANEst grain. The SANEst grain is going to be the grain which calorie per calorie, so look at a 100 calories of wheat, a 100 calories of barely, a 100 calories of spelt, a 100 calorie rye, a 100 calorie of oats, whichever one has the most protein and fiber in a 100 calories—you have to compare by calories though, you can’t compare by cup because they have different volumes. So comparing one cup of flour to one cup of spinach isn’t the fair comparison because the flour is all compacted down. So you have to compare by calorie. So just compare 100 calories of each, and this is actually a great rule for anything. You can tell if one thing is SANEr than the other by calorie per calorie, whichever one has more protein, whichever one has more fiber and then whichever one has more vitamins and minerals that’s the SANEst choice. So hopefully that is helpful.
I’m going to go really quick. I love this by the way. This is like the most rapid-fire we have ever gone in a session before. So I’m curious to hear your feedback. Definitely less esoteric in this section. I love esoteric answers to questions, but we got a lot of questions to get through. So here we go. Let’s keep going. How to eat when I’m away from home? Fabulous question. In fact, so fabulous that there is just abundant, abundant resources. Please, continue to crank through your step-by-step program. It’s covered in huge, huge detail. There are amazing recordings. Like with any other stuff in your step-by-step or if you go to the eating section of the website and you type in like travel or away from home, or in your SANE concierge, like thousands of words because again, it’s that that I’m not covering it here because it’s not important, I’m not covering it here because it’s so important that I cannot do it complete justice on this call. It requires many videos and many exercises—I don’t mean exercises like physical, I mean like mental and that’s why we cover it in detail I the program.
All right. So let me do one more written in question here and then I’ve just got a bunch of questions coming in here. This is great, man. Boom, boom, boom. We’re knocking the questions out, I like it. All right. So this next question here is three questions. Three questions for the price of one. Managing menopausal insomnia and hot flashes, are there any nutritional hacks? I fall asleep fine, but I wake up an hour later and toss and turn for the rest of the night and sometimes hot flashes are a bit overwhelming. [Inaudible 00:51:42] have run across, would that help without resorting to hormonal therapy? So to answer the first question, no, there are no hormonal tricks or hacks that I found. Sleep is an area that is extremely important and actually, keep your eyes out because over the rest of this year we might be partnering up with one of the top sleep doctors in the country to put together some really neat stuff coming out because sleep is something that actually I struggle with a lot. So I’ve tried every hack out there and I hadn’t yet found—and I’m not a fan of doing hacks in general because we want to heal versus hack, but I mean, sometimes sleep is one of those deep—you know, it’s a little bit like saying, “How do I hack my marriage?” Having a solid relationship with another human being is very nuanced and there are many things involved in it so there’s no real like trick or hack. And some ways sleep in a modern world has become really complicated because we’re constantly stressed, there’s hormonal factors.
So I mean, what I found with myself is like I’ve tired everything and at the end of the day it’s like, “Jonathan, why are you anxious? What’s going on?” And until I resolve that I’m not really sleeping well. So this might also be something your primary care physician can help you with a little bit, but definitely no hack that I know of. I mean, obviously, you can try Valerian, try chamomile tea. A SANE lifestyle will help you sleep. Physical activity will help you sleep. Eating a nutrient dense diet will help you sleep, not being overweight—about 80 percent of people who are overweight suffer from sleep apnea even if it’s not diagnosed. And that’s going to destroy your sleep. So eat SANEly, exercise eccentrically, have loving relationships in your life. Let’s start there and then like if that doesn’t help we can try to go a little bit more advanced, but those three things are going to get your further than any hack ever could speaking from experience.
What is the best way to SANEly fuel while training for a marathon? And then there was another question about this in the support group this week. So the string recommendation is read a book called The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance by a Volek and Phinney. It’s a dense academic book, but it will tell you an immense amount of science and strategies that show you how especially when it comes to endurance athletics fat is a better fuel source than sugar because as you know, you can’t really store a lot of sugar in your body, you store fat in your body. So if you need a lot of fuel eating clean sources of fat such as macadamia nuts or coconut or coconut cream are going to be excellent ways to fuel yourself. It is going to take a while for your body to shift from burning sugar to burning fat. So you are going to experience a bit of what some people call like low-carb flu for two to three weeks while your body makes that adjustment, but it will make that adjustment, and like the studies that have been done on using fat as your primary fuel source, not just for life in general, but for athletic performance and long duration athletic performance or endurance athletics is phenomenal. So please check out The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance, it’s a fantastic book. And yes, just make sure you’re getting the balance of your calories from whole food fats. And understand that it’s going to take anywhere from two weeks to a month. Like, you’re going to feel like garbage when you stop eating all that sugar and you start getting your fuel from fat for endurance training because your body has to make that adjustment, but once it makes that adjustment you’re going to be good for the rest of your life. So that’s very helpful. And you’re not going predispose yourself to diabetes because that’s a thing that a lot of us forget about is it’s awesome to be physically active, but if what we do to fuel our physical activity burns out our pancreas then that’s not particularly helpful for us in the long term. So that’s a good thing to keep in mind. And hopefully, that is helpful.
Let me see, we have some great questions here coming in. What liquids can be used in green smoothies besides water? You can use coconut water is a decent option. Mary, can I ask you a follow-up question? Are you just not wanting to use—like water is the preferred source because I’m not a huge fan of—I mean, green tea is great, but if you’re just trying like you can put coconut water in, you could put coconut milk, you could use rice milk or almond milk if you wanted to, but these are not whole foods, they’re all derivations of a different food. So yes, you could. Could you maybe just give me a little bit more information on why? Is it just the taste thing or something else I hopefully can help for? And Raina, actually already answered that. So great job, Raina, nice job.
Bonnie says, if my goal is to heal my metabolism and lose weight and I have a desk job, besides eccentric once a week, what else? How many times a week on a stationary bike you showed in the video? Great question, Bonnie. So remember, when I say exercise less, but smarter, what I mean is less of the conventional type of jogging and destructive high impact nonsense like that. Ten thousand steps, like moving, if you’re at a desk, if at all possible, get a standing desk. Like standing, walking, moving your body, 10,000 steps, that’s incredibly important. Being outside, being in nature, movement, things which our ancestors did that aren’t like exercise in the formal sense. I mean, nowadays I feel like sometimes our borough around exercise is gotten so low, we say that like walking is exercise. And walking isn’t exercise, walking is being a person. Walking is movement. Exercise is something very specific that we do, it’s almost unnatural—that doesn’t mean it’s bad. I mean, what we’re doing now is unnatural. It’s incredibly unnatural for us to be talking this way. It doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing, it just means that I would recommend a huge amount of natural movement that works with your body, that human beings have been doing for a really long time, as much of that as you possibly can and then we’re going to supplement that with a little bit of high, high intensity, but very safe and slow eccentric training and then once, possibly twice per week of the smarter interval training. And then if you want to do things like yoga and Pilates, these very low impact restorative exercises those are fabulous, fabulous options as well. So hopefully that helps.
Mary asks what kinds of salad dressing can I use? Mary, you can use any kind of salad dressing that doesn’t contain hydrogenated oils or added sugars. My recommendation would be to go on the Internet and type in diabetic friendly salad dressing or low-sugar salad dressing or all natural salad dressing. And then to find ones that have an ingredients list that is maybe six items or shorter and all of the ingredients are pronounceable and none of them are sugar. So like oil and vinegar you can make at home, you can use lemon juice, but at the end of the day, we just want to eat stuff that doesn’t have a bunch of toxic nonsense in it. So the good news—I mean, there are more and more people nowadays that understand the quality of food is so important and unfortunately now one in every three of us are diabetic or pre-diabetic. So natural and low-sugar options are becoming more and more common. So your best friend for this is going to be the Internet because what your local grocery store may have is going to be a much smaller selection than what you can find online and since most of these salad dressings they can be shipped you can potentially buy things online and really expand what are the options that are available to you.
So hopefully that is helpful. Yes, Mary. And there could be some sugar. I mean, it’s all cost benefit. So if you’re going to get—even some of the SANE recipes. We get questions about this on the site, you know you might have a SANE side dish which has 12 servings and calls for two tablespoons of table sugar. If you’re like, “Oh, he’s putting table sugar. Holy moly, it’s all a lie.” But when you actually do the math and you see that per serving you’re looking at two grams of sugar this is not something that’s going to be of metabolic consequence. So remember, I mean, there’s pollution in the air, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t breathe. I mean, some stuff is unavoidable and some stuff is actually good. I mean, what is an immunization? And immunization is a low dose of a disease so that your body can fight it off. That doesn’t mean that we should intentionally eat low-dose inSANEty because it helps our body. It doesn’t, but the point is that our body is resilient. So if there’s a little bit of naturally occurring sugar, I mean, even the SANE super foods, they have fruit in them so they’re going to have some sugar. So it’s just trying to avoid high dose concentrated added sugar if that makes sense.
All right. So a couple other questions here written in, actually not a couple, a lot more. So I need to keep going. I might pass out on this call. What is the best eating strategy for third shift workers besides time and type, before bed snack or drink to promote best daytime sleep? I’m so sorry, I don’t actually know the answer to this question. I’ve never seen peer reviewed. I try to only share things that I’ve seen proven in research or that I have personal experience with and I don’t have a lot personal experience with this and I haven’t seen peer reviewed research around it. So I don’t particularly know why it would be any different for a third shift worker than it would be for anybody else. There is nothing that is recommended by a SANE lifestyle is universally beneficial for everybody because it’s just eating food that is the most satisfying, causes the least hormonal chaos, provides you with the most nutrition and is least efficiently stored as body fat. If you work first shift, second shift, third shift, not at all, all the time, those foods are still the best for you. So if you’re on the call live please, let me know if there’s like a specific question deeper, but I would say standard SANE lifestyle should take care of you as would of anyone else. If that helps, I’m sorry. I’m trying, I’m trying.
All right. Quick on the go meal options. So yes, that is the huge issue and covered in detail in the program. So please, dig into that. What is the most difficult thing to do when going SANE? I think, what I’ve seen after years and years and years of working with people to do this, the most difficult thing actually has to do with mindset. It does not have to do with like any vegetables, protein, fats, eccentric exercise, that stuff is easy compared to taking on the mindset of what we’re doing right now is curing a disease. Right, obesity is a disease. It is a diagnosable, medical condition. This is not Jonathan Bailor saying this, this is the American Medical Association saying this. And to treat that disease we need to treat it like we would any other disease, we need to treat it with compassion, we need to treat it with caring, we need with science, and we need to give our body time to heal. And the way we do that is look at an abundance of nutritional therapy. And so it’s going to take time and it’s not about counting calories, it’s about flooding the body with nutrition.
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