Grape Seed Extract
NEWS: This superfood is now available in the SANEStore as a convenient whole-food powder so you can more easily enjoy it in smoothies and recipes.

Our Grape Seed Extract Powder is an 95% extract (10:1 ratio) meaning each serving contains an 95% concentration of procyanidins (polyphenols).
Pycnogenol is the trademarked name for the antioxidant from the French Maritime Pine tree. But it is basically the same anthocyanin compound found in grape seed extract. Pycnogenol, like grape seed extract, is a water-soluble flavonoid, or polyphenol, complex with powerful antioxidant properties and may have the ability to reduce blood clotting. As an antioxidant, pycnogenol is thought to possibly offer the following benefits: cardioprotection (reduces risk of atherosclerosis); reduce cancer risk; improve vascular strength (stronger blood vessels); reduce edema (both inflammation and swelling); promote eye health (reduces risk of macular degeneration and cataracts). Research shows that antioxidants like pycnogenol, grape seed, and green tea are generally 10-100 times more powerful than common nutrient antioxidants such as vitamins C and E.
Specific research shows that pycnogenol may be effective in reducing damage to skin caused by ultraviolet radiation from the sun; may be helpful in reducing cancer cell growth and in modulating chronic inflammation as shown in cell culture. In human studies, pycnogenol may prevent excessive platelet aggregation (blood clotting) caused by cigarette smoking and stress. In one study, 100 mg of pycnogenol was as effective as 500 mg of aspirin for reducing platelet aggregation. But pycnogenol does not prolong bleeding time like aspirin though intakes of over 600 mg per day could possibly increase bleeding time.
Why Try Grape Seed Extract?
- May Support a healthy cardiovascular system
- May Reduce menopausal symptoms
- May Improve cognitive function in ADHD
- Helpful for Venous leg ulcers
- May Reduce blood glucose levels
- Alleviating ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
- Excellent free radical scavenger
- May help to Maintain healthy skin
- Reducing cramping in PMS
- Possibly Help manage chronic asthma
- May Improve athletic endurance
- Reducing retinopathy / retina leakage
- Powerful anti-inflammatory benefits
- May Support healthy blood pressure levels
- Reducing gingival bleeding when utilized in chewing gum
- May Improve capillary resistance
- Reducing reactive oxygen species apoptosis
- Protecting & regenerating vitamins C & E
- May Improve male fertility
- May Reduce endometriosis
- Stops mast cells from releasing histamine
- Possible Protective benefits against UV radiation
- Improving circulation problems
- Combating inflammation in lupus
- Reducing platelet aggregation in smokers
- May Improve varicose veins
- Is a mild antihypertensive
- May Improve sexual function in men with erectile dysfunction
- Reducing reduce leg pain, cramps, heaviness, & fluid retention
- Very powerful antioxidant
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