Cha de Bugre
Table of Contents
NEWS: This superfood is now available in the SANEStore as a convenient whole-food powder so you can more easily enjoy it in smoothies and recipes.

Our raw Cha de Bugre powder has been used for year in Brazil for its outstanding supportive qualities for healthy weight loss. Because it may naturally fights hunger, people feel more satisfied eating smaller amounts of food and craving less fatty, sugary foods.
Raw, non-GMO Cha de Bugre supports healthy circulation which may help in battling cellulite and naturally eliminates excess fluid from the body by breaking down fatty acids. Cha de Bugre is a natural stimulant used to increase energy and mental alertness without any jittery side effects.
Raw Cha de Bugre supports the immune system in turn supporting healthy digestion, liver and kidney and colon functions. This may be helpful to those suffering with kidney stones or gout. Due to its ability to support healthy skin regeneration, it has been traditionally used as to alleviate external wounds. New research has shown that Cha de Bugre could possess anti-viral qualities.
Why Try Cha De Bugre?
- Supports healthy fat loss
- May help prevent overeating
- Natural stimulant
- Supports healthy skin
- Supports healthy liver & kidney function
- May Suppress coughs
What are the benefits of Cha de Bugre?
The Cha de Bugre plant is used to cure cellulite, cough, fluid retention (edema), gout, cancer, Herpes Simplex Virus infections, fever, and a variety of other ailments.
It is also used as a general tonic to improve blood circulation and heart function.
List of Cha de Bugre Uses:
-Bacterial infections
-Fluid retention (edema)
-Heart function enhancement
-Improves blood circulation
Cha de Bugre Side Effects?
Always check with a doctor before using a new herbal supplement.
Large doses may cause nausea and vomiting. Also, pregnant women should not take Cha de Bugre as it is considered to be hazardous.
Furthermore, those who suffer from any kidney disorders or those taking medications such as antihistamines should not use this product as studies have shown that Cha de Bugre contains chemicals which can affect the renal system and produce undesired reactions in some people.
How Much Cha de Bugre Should I Take?
Before taking Cha de Bugre, it is best to consult with a doctor or qualified herbalist. If the patient has no contraindications and will be self-administering the herb, he/she should take 500mg of the root bark daily.
This can be mixed in coffee or tea, or added to other drinks. It tastes very bitter so more sugar may have to be added for palatability. For those patients who are still unsure of their product’s effects on them after they have taken it for several days, they should stop until the doctor says its safe to continue treatment.
What Forms Of Cha de Bugre Are Available?
Cha de Bugre is available in powder, capsule, and tincture form. However, there are many Cha de Bugre suppliers in Brazil that will prepare it in whatever form you want.
Also, Cha de Bugre is not available to buy over the counter in pharmacies; you must obtained it from a registered herbalist or naturopath who can compound it for your specific needs.
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6.Hayashi K,, Antiviral activity of an extract of Cordia salicifolia on herpes simplex virus type 1. Planta Med, 56: 5, 1990 Oct, 439-43
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8.Matsunaga, K.,, Excitatory and inhibitory effects of paraguayan medicinal plants Equisetum giganteum, Acanthpspermum australe, Allophylus edlis and Cordia salicifolia on contraction of rabbit aorta and giunea-pig left atrium. Natural Medicines, 51, 478-481 (1997).
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