Beet Root
NEWS: This superfood is now available in the SANEStore as a convenient whole-food powder so you can more easily enjoy it in smoothies and recipes.

Organic, non-GMO, raw Beet Root Powder provides a wide range of nutrients, but its most significant phytochemical is betaine. This plant chemical may support liver and kidneys by recycling the amino acid methionine to maintain the body’s stores of s-adenosyl-methionine, more commonly known as SAM-e. Betaine may also help the liver process fat. This may prevent the accumulation of fatty tissues in the liver (steatosis), especially in heavy drinkers, and it also may help moderate triglycerides and LDL cholesterol in the blood. The American Heart Association, recommends beet juice to support healthy blood pressure.

Organic Beet Root Powder is a wonderful cleansing and nourishing tonic that supports the building of blood, particularly improving the blood quality for menstruating women. It also may normalizes the blood’s pH balance (reducing acidity) and purifies the blood by flushing away fatty deposits and improving circulation. Further supporting its role as a blood purifier, Beet Root has been used to support the detoxification process in the hepatic system.

Beet roots are rich in potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and calcium as well as vitamin A, B and C. Beets are a unique source of phytonutrients called betalains which give beets their dark red color. Betanin and vulgaxanthin are the two best studied betalains from beets, and both have been shown to provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification support.
Why Try Beet Root Superfood?
- Supports the renal system
- Supports the detoxification process
- Betaine – plays an important role in the health of the cardiovascular system
- Good natural source of folate (also known as vitamin B9 & natural folic acid)
- Source of pectin which may chelate certain heavy metals
- Zinc – helps protect against fatty deposits in the liver & boosts the immune system.
- Normalizing the blood’s pH balance
- Helping to support healthy blood pressure levels
- Dimethylglycine – (also known as DMG) may promote healthy heart & cardiovascular system
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