Going SANE isn’t about deprivation. It’s about enjoying so much good food that you are too full for the sickening stuff. Even better, there are A LOT of delicious recipes that do not require unnatural, fattening, toxic, and addictive ingredients 🙂 In fact, chocolate is the most craved food in the world, and the ingredient that puts the “c” in chocolate—cocoa—is spectacularly SANE.

Keeping “substitution rather than deprivation” principle in mind, you can cook and eat almost anything by making some simple swaps. While these swaps will taste slightly different, they will also make you look and feel completely different—a tradeoff that you will very much enjoy long term. The following cheat sheet will get you started SANEly swapping your way to slimness.

The best thing about this SANE swap approach is that it means that you have access to an endless supply of SANE recipes. All you need to do is find a recipe you like, and then SANEitize it! For example, some of the SANECertifiedTM recipes here were inspired by amazing semi-SANE recipes found around the web. Be sure to check out an ever-growing list of our favorite sites for SANEitizable recipe inspiration below!

Inspiration  +  SANE Substitutions  =  Endless Variety  =  🙂

If you would like help with making SANE substitutions, please attend our free interactive masterclass webinar at http://SANESeminar.com.