Step 1 of 6


It’s all good if you don’t know the answers. This is just a warm-up. You will get another shot at this quiz later in the lesson.

Question 1

To ensure your success, your SANE plan provides exact meal plans for you for every day.

Try again. It’s all good though…today’s lessons will clear this up quickly.

CORRECT! And you are about to learn exactly why in today’s lesson.

Question 2

To give you the quickest results possible, your SANE plan will help you lose a specific amount of weigh in a specific amount of time.

Try again. It’s all good though…today’s lessons will clear this up quickly.

CORRECT! And you are about to learn exactly why in today’s lesson.

Question 3

Your SANE Plan is best thought of as a set of proven modern eating and exercise principles studies show help people live radically better long-term.

CORRECT! And you are about to learn exactly why in today’s lesson.

Try again. It’s all good though…today’s lessons will clear this up quickly.

Step 2 of 6


Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.
When did “healthy” and “fit” start making us heavy and sick?


Take Away 1

If your hope is to lose ten pounds in two weeks, SANE living is not a good fit for you. Please also consider what you really want to accomplish. If you, really think about it, you will probably discover it has little to do with weight. Instead, your hopes are probably tied to looking and feeling a certain way and staying that way for the rest of your life.

Take Away 2

If you could wave a magic wand and look radiant and feel dramatically better while lowering your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer but would weigh no more or less, would you be happy?

Take Away 3

On the other hand, if you could wave that same magic wand and instantly weigh twenty pounds less but look and feel drained and deprived while increasing your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, would you consider that a wish well used?

Step 3 of 6


Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.
When did “healthy” and “fit” start making us heavy and sick?


Take Away 1

Your SANE Plan is a surprising and scientifically proven system that enables you to trigger a fundamental metabolic change, thereby enabling you to look and feel better for the rest of your life while lowering your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Take Away 2

Enough of being told to do the same thing over and over and to expect different results. Einstein defined that as insane. So do we. And that is why we hope you’ll join us in changing to a wholly different, wholly SANE approach.

Take Away 3

Think progress vs. perfection. What most people find is that they start doing the basics, love the results, and then want to go further. You make the decision. The SANEr you live, the better you will live 🙂

Step 4 of 6


Remember these? Give them one more try now that you’ve spent a few minutes going SANE.

Question 1

Your SANE Plan is best thought of as a set of proven modern eating and exercise principles studies show help people live radically better long-term.

CORRECT! And you are about to learn exactly why in today’s lesson.

Try again. It’s all good though…today’s lessons will clear this up quickly.

Question 2

Your SANE Plan is best thought of as a set of proven modern eating and exercise principles studies show help people live radically better long-term.

CORRECT! And you are about to learn exactly why in today’s lesson.

Try again. It’s all good though…today’s lessons will clear this up quickly.

Question 3

Your SANE Plan is best thought of as a set of proven modern eating and exercise principles studies show help people live radically better long-term.

CORRECT! And you are about to learn exactly why in today’s lesson.

Try again. It’s all good though…today’s lessons will clear this up quickly.

Step 5 of 6


The number of people supporting you and keeping you accountable are your #1 predictors of long-term success.

To help you live what you learned in today’s lesson, please click the Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest icons on the following photo. Sharing your SANEity enables you to enjoy instant accountability and support from your social networks. We know sharing may be a bit uncomfortable at first, but we promise you that the science is 100% clear: The more you share your SANEity the more success you will enjoy.

TIP: Click on the photo to see the Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest icons.

Starvation Is NOT Healthy. Stop counting calories & go #SANE w/me at

Step 6 of 6


Nice job! Here’s some recommended eating and reading to help you celebrate.

Recommended Eating

Chocolate (Cocoa) Powder

Starvation Is NOT Healthy. Stop counting calories & go #SANE w/me at

Raw, Extra Rich, Organic Heirloom Criollo Cacao Powder (Cocoa Powder) is made by taking the finest raw Heirloom Criollo cacao nibs and cold-pressing some of the oil out. This natural process retains 22% of the cacao butter and results in a rich, flavorful…Learn More

Recommended Reading

7 Days To SANE eBook

Starvation Is NOT Healthy. Stop counting calories & go #SANE w/me at

Enjoy inspiration, education, grocery lists, serving size guides, recipes, and meal plans in this beautiful eBook. Learn More