Please enjoy your personal step-by-step lessons for this week! Each lesson takes about ten minutes. You will automatically get your next set of lessons delivered to your email inbox next week.
FIRST: Shocking Set-Point Studies and Clogged Sinks
- The Obesity Epidemic Disproves the Set-Point
- Common Sense to the Rescue
- The Obesity Epidemic Supports the Set-Point
- Embrace the Set-Point and Sinks
SECOND: How to Lower Your Set-Point Weight
- Lowering Your Food Intake
- Ditch Deprivation Dieting
- Lowering Your Set-Point
- Burn Fat Automatically, Always
THIRD: Eating Less Does Not Cause Long-Term Fat Loss
- Eating More Makes You Fat
- “Eat Less” is About 1% Right
- Eating inSANE Low-Quality Food Makes You Fat
- Eating More SANE Food Makes You Slim
ANYTIME: Simplify Eating More SANE Food
No nonsense…just convenient and delicious whole foods.