Get Your Free SANE Smoothie Superfoods

Getting your free monthly SANE Smoothie Superfoods is super easy with four simple steps!

Why Four Steps?

For your protection. I want to make sure YOU have everything you need to succeed. These simple steps ensure YOU get your free superfoods seamlessly.

Four Simple Steps To Your Free Superfoods!

  1. Get your case sensitive coupon code for this month from your email
  2. Confirm your shipping and card info in the secure form on this page (using anything other than a phone)
  3. In the box next to “Enter Coupon Code,” enter your coupon code exactly as shown in your email (it’s case sensitive)
  4. SUPER IMPORTANT: Click the checkbox next to where you entered your coupon code to see your total drop to $0 🙂 

After clicking the “Send My Superfoods” button, keep an eye on your email inbox as shipping and tracking info will arrive shortly. Thanks again for being an awesome SELECT member of the SANE Smoothie Club!

PS Remember that by using your personal coupon code and clicking the check box below you will NOT be charged anything for your SANE Superfoods…woohoo! Your card info is needed to ensure nobody else uses your coupon code. Your code is only good once, and we don’t want you to miss out.

Live in Canada? Your superfoods are still free, and we’ll cover most of the international shipping. We just ask for you to help a bit ($15) for the international shipping to Canada.