Side-effects May Include: Sexual Dysfunction, Depression, Hallucinations…


Primum non nocere [First, do no harm]                         — A principal precept of medical ethics

When it comes to medical issues, the wrong treatment can often be worse than no treatment. For example, subjects in a University of Minnesota experiment were prescribed a regimen of eating less and exercising more for weight loss. Taking a more conservative approach than many of today’s traditional “eat less, exercise more” advocates, the researchers conducting the experiment prescribed subjects 1,600 calories and about an hour of low-intensity exercise per day.

Learn the exact foods you must eat if you want to finally lose weight permanently. Click here to download your free Weight Loss Food List, the “Eat More, Lose More” Weight Loss Plan, and the “Slim in 6” Cheat Sheet…CLICK HERE FOR FREE “HOW TO” WEIGHT LOSS GUIDES

As expected, subjects temporarily lost weight by shedding water, muscle, and fat. They then gained back significantly more fat than they lost. By the end of the analysis, subjects’ body fat percentage rose by about 52%. The completely unexpected results of the study were the shocking and severe psychological side-effects of this treatment, which included but were not limited to:

  • Nervousness
  • Anxiety
  • Apathy
  • Social Withdrawal
  • Impatience
  • Loss of Sexual Drive and Function
  • Depression
  • Mild Hallucinations
  • Mood Swings
  • Loss of Ambition
  • Obsession
  • Hormonal Dysregulation
  • Self-Mutilation

So profound were the detrimental psychological effects of traditional eat-less-exercise-more therapy that researchers coined the term “semistarvation neurosis” to describe the mental breakdown accompanying the subject’s physical breakdown.

As the side-effects from this and many other studies show, when it comes to long-term fat loss and psychological and physical health:

Doing nothing is better than doing the wrong thing.

The good news is that the top scientific minds in the research community are now writing a new, safe, and proven prescription for long-term fat loss and robust health. Now it’s up to us to learn and live that smarter science of slim.

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Learn the exact foods you must eat if you want to finally lose weight permanently. Click here to download your free Weight Loss Food List, the “Eat More, Lose More” Weight Loss Plan, and the “Slim in 6” Cheat Sheet…CLICK HERE FOR FREE “HOW TO” WEIGHT LOSS GUIDES
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