Your SANE Approach to Nutrition Labels
Step 1 of 6
It’s all good if you don’t know the answers. You will get another shot at this quiz later in the lesson.
Nutrition labels are useless when going SANE.
Try again and don’t worry…today’s lesson will clear this up.
Correct! You are about to learn exactly why.
If you need to look at a nutrition label to tell if something is SANE, there’s at least a 90% chance that it’s not.
Correct! You are about to learn exactly why.
Try again and don’t worry…today’s lesson will clear this up.
The more fiber the better. The more protein the better. The less sugar the better.
Correct! You are about to learn exactly why.
Try again and don’t worry…today’s lesson will clear this up.
Step 2 of 6
Nutrition Label Confusion & Health Claims = Giant Red Flag
Note 1
The more fiber the better. The more protein the better. The more vitamins and minerals per serving relative to calories per serving the better.
Note 2
The less sugar the better. The fewer ingredients the better.
Note 3
If the ingredients include added sweeteners that contain calories, hydrogenated anything, trans anything, starch (flour, corn, rice, barley, etc.), or anything you cannot pronounce, avoid it.
Step 3 of 6
Go Label-Less! & Healthy Cannot Be Complex
Note 1
Don’t pay too much attention to percentages. They do not reflect the actual nutrition—nutrients per calorie—of the food. For example, kid’s cereal.
Note 2
The most SANE foods available (Non-Starchy Vegetables, seafood, meat, raw nuts and seeds, low-fructose fruits, and so on) frequently don’t have nutrition labels on them.
Note 3
You could even imagine that a major reason why we have nutrition labels at all is that much of what we find at the grocery store these days is so far from food that we have no way of knowing its health value without instructions.
Step 4 of 6
Remember these? Give them one more try now that you’ve spent a few minutes going SANE.
Nutrition labels are useless when going SANE.
Try again.
Correct! While the vast majority of what you eat should not have a nutrition label on it (Non-Starchy Vegetables, seafood, meat, raw nuts and seeds, low-fructose fruits, and so on), for the small percent that does, you definitely want to read the label.
If you need to look at a nutrition label to tell if something is SANE, there’s at least a 90% chance that it’s not.
Correct! The SANEst foods in the world come directly from nature, not a box and do not have nutrition labels on them.
Try again.
The more fiber the better. The more protein the better. The less sugar the better.
Correct! Remember that SANEity is about water, fiber, and protein and that sugar and other inSANE added sweeteners are the most clog-causing substances in the world.
Try again.
Step 5 of 6
The number of people keeping you accountable is your #1 predictor of long-term success.
Sharing your SANEity enables you to enjoy instant accountability and support from your social networks. The science is 100% clear: The more you share your SANEity, the more success you will enjoy. To help you live what you learned today, please click on the photo to share it on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Step 6 of 6
Nice job! Here’s some recommended eating and reading to help you celebrate.
Recommended Eating
Mexican Seasoning