Effortlessly Slim
Step 1 of 6
It’s all good if you don’t know the answers. You will get another shot at this quiz later in the lesson.
It is possible for person to eat as much as they want, exercise very little, and stay slim.
Correct! You are about to learn exactly why.
Try again and don’t worry…today’s lesson will clear this up.
It is possible for a person to effortlessly avoid foods most people crave.
Correct! You are about to learn exactly why.
Try again and don’t worry…today’s lesson will clear this up.
Correct! You are about to learn exactly why.
Try again and don’t worry…today’s lesson will clear this up.
Step 2 of 6
Fat gain is a character flaw cured via willpower & You just need to try harder
Note 1
Current weight management advice is counterproductive: think of feeding your body less food to get rid of fat like watering your garden less to get rid of weeds.
Note 2
Being told that you can cure allergies by breathing less is absurd because it is impossible. The same goes for managing weight by starving yourself. Willpower is a fixed resource and it is impossible to live life fully while being hungry.
Note 3
Willpower is a scarce and fixed resource – you simply can’t store enough willpower to go hungry all the time.
Step 3 of 6
Fat gain is a disease cured via science & Now you can try smarter
Note 1
The American Medical Association officially recognizes obesity as a disease much like diabetes is a disease.
Note 2
The answer is to heal the system: the underlying brain-, hormone-, and digestion-related causes of chronic fat gain.
Note 3
You can reprogram your mind to view edible things that are found directly in nature as food and everything else you could put in your mouth as more like a drug.
Step 4 of 6
Remember these? Give them one more try now that you’ve spent a few minutes going SANE.
It is possible for person to eat as much as they want, exercise very little, and stay slim.
Correct! We all know—and may resent ;)—naturally thin people who eat as much as they want, whenever they want, and still stay slim even without exercise. So the question is not: “Can staying slim be effortless?” The question is: “How can you make your biology work more like the biology of a naturally thin person?”
Try again.
It is possible for a person to effortlessly avoid foods most people crave.
Correct! Millions of vegetarians demonstrate every day that it’s possible to not only avoid, but to get joy from avoiding, foods that most people crave.
Try again.
Correct! By eating more—but higher-quality SANE food—you can fundamentally change your brain, hormones, and digestive system to work more like those of a naturally thin person…burning rather than storing body fat.
Try again.
Step 5 of 6
The number of people keeping you accountable is your #1 predictor of long-term success.
Sharing your SANEity enables you to enjoy instant accountability and support from your social networks. The science is 100% clear: The more you share your SANEity, the more success you will enjoy. To help you live what you learned today, please click on the photo to share it on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Step 6 of 6
Nice job! Here’s some recommended eating and reading to help you celebrate.
Recommended Eating
Green Tea Booster