Your SANE Success Has Little To Do With Weight

Step 1 of 6


It’s all good if you don’t know the answers. You will get another shot at this quiz later in the lesson.


Weight is about as useful a measure of health and fitness as height is a useful measure of intelligence.

Correct! You are about to learn exactly why.

Try again and don’t worry…today’s lesson will clear this up.


Losing weight helps to heal your body.

Try again and don’t worry…today’s lesson will clear this up.

Correct! You are about to learn exactly why.


Weight obsession is dehumanizing and completely unnecessary.

Correct! You are about to learn exactly why.

Try again and don’t worry…today’s lesson will clear this up.

Step 2 of 6


Using A Scale To Measure Self-Worth & Focusing On Weight Is As Counterproductive As Focusing On Calorie Counting


Note 1

Short-term weight loss is an inaccurate and unhealthy way to measure success. At best, it distracts from what really counts. At worst, it is unhealthy and fattening in the long term.

Note 2

Does any woman walk into a party wearing a dazzling new dress with a sign around her neck that reads “I weigh X pounds?” Of course not. What matters is how well her dress fits, how lovely and elegant she looks, how she feels and the radiance of her smile.

Note 3

Please get rid of your scale. What your scale says has nothing to do with being successful while going SANE. The focus is on how you look and feel long term. There are millions of people who weigh a little and look and feel broken, while there are millions more who weigh more and look and feel wonderful.

Step 3 of 6


Free Yourself From Your Scale Forever & Focus On That Which Helps You, Not That Which Harms You


Note 1

A measure of success that rewards the inSANE activities you want to avoid is a terrible measure of success.

Note 2

Your scale will be happy if you do not eat anything other than diuretics and stimulants and exercise in a hot room as much as possible while wearing multiple layers of clothes. That is terrible for you and should be avoided along with the tool that encourages it–the scale.

Note 3

A measurement that is just as simple and proven to be much more indicative of long-term health and fitness is the circumference of your waist. Skip the $99 scale and treat yourself to a 99¢ measuring tape.

Step 4 of 6


Remember these? Give them one more try now that you’ve spent a few minutes going SANE.


Weight is about as useful a measure of health and fitness as height is a useful measure of intelligence.

Correct! While taller 18 year olds often score higher on intelligence tests than shorter 8 year olds, we’d never use height to measure intelligence. Similarly, while morbidly obese individuals often have more health challenges than healthy weight individuals, the science is clear that we cannot use weight to measure wellness.

Try again.


Losing weight helps to heal your body.

Try again.

Correct! Losing weight via starvation dieting, extreme exercise, and taking pills, powders, and potions, permanently damages your metabolic system. Your goal is to heal your body and mind first, and then to allow them to enable long-term effortless fat loss (much like a naturally thin person).


Weight obsession is dehumanizing and completely unnecessary.

Correct! Judging the quality of a person by weight is a bit like judging the quality of a car by its weight. If you want to measure anything, stick with waist circumference and the number of servings of SANE foods you are enjoying (your SANE app helps a lot here).

Try again.

Step 5 of 6


The number of people keeping you accountable is your #1 predictor of long-term success.

Sharing your SANEity enables you to enjoy instant accountability and support from your social networks. The science is 100% clear: The more you share your SANEity, the more success you will enjoy. To help you live what you learned today, please click on the photo to share it on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Starvation Is NOT Healthy. Stop counting calories & go #SANE w/me at

Step 6 of 6


Nice job! Here’s some recommended eating and entertainment to help you celebrate.

Recommended Eating

Green Smoothie Booster

Starvation Is NOT Healthy. Stop counting calories & go #SANE w/me at

Recommended Watching

SANE 101 Mini Movie

Starvation Is NOT Healthy. Stop counting calories & go #SANE w/me at