Politicians Playing Physicians

Step 1 of 6


It’s all good if you don’t know the answers. You will get another shot at this quiz later in the lesson.


Being elected to political office qualifies a person to make nutritional recommendations.

Try again and don’t worry…today’s lesson will clear this up.

Correct! You are about to learn exactly why.


Actual nutrition experts—aka researchers, scientists, etc.—support the government nutrition guidelines that dictate what children are served in schools.

Try again and don’t worry…today’s lesson will clear this up.

Correct! You are about to learn exactly why.


The original government nutrition guidelines that resulted in the Food Guide Pyramid, MyPlate, and all subsequent government related nutrition policy was created by a group of senators in the 1970s with no education with nutrition science.

Correct! You are about to learn exactly why.

Try again and don’t worry…today’s lesson will clear this up.

Step 2 of 6


Learning Biology from Bureaucrats & If you were taught that smoking is good for you and then you got lung cancer, are you at fault?


Note 1

“There is considerable concern today that the diet the Pyramid illustrates is responsible for the current epidemic of cardiovascular disease. The concurrent epidemics of obesity and type-2 diabetes are unintended consequences that can also be attributed to this diet.” – Alice Ottoboni, PhD

Note 2

All government nutritional policy is derived from a political document released in 1976 called Dietary Goals for the United States designed by the Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs.

Note 3

Two primary goals of the document were to increase carbohydrate consumption to about 60 percent of calorie intake, and to reduce fat consumption to about 30 percent of calorie intake.

Step 3 of 6


Learning Biology from Biologists & Scientists revolt around governmental inSANEity


Note 1

American Medical Association: “There is a potential for harmful effects for a radical long term dietary change as would occur through adoption of the proposed national goals.”

Note 2

The president of the National Academy of Sciences in his testimony to the Senate in regards to the government’s recommendations: “What right has the federal government to propose that the American people conduct a vast nutritional experiment, with themselves as subjects, on the strength of so very little evidence that it will do them any good?”

Note 3

Although unproved and controversial, the government declared its recommendations “the truth” on these grounds: “We [the government] live in the present and cannot afford to await the ultimate proof…” With that uneducated guess, an inSANE low-fat, low-protein, high-starch diet was declared “healthy.” Sadly, the results have been anything but.

Step 4 of 6


Remember these? Give them one more try now that you’ve spent a few minutes going SANE.


Being elected to political office qualifies a person to make nutritional recommendations.

Try again.

Correct! So much confusion and suffering comes from listening to nutritional advice from people, as powerful or famous as they may be, who have no proven scientific knowledge about nutrition.


Actual nutrition experts—aka researchers, scientists, etc.—support the government nutrition guidelines that dictate what children are served in schools.

Try again.

Correct! From the chair of the Harvard School of Public Health: “Some recommendations on diet and nutrition are misguided because they are based on inadequate or incomplete information. That hasn’t been the case for the USDA’s pyramids. They are wrong because they brush aside evidence on healthful eating that has been carefully assembled over the past forty years.”


The original government nutrition guidelines that resulted in the Food Guide Pyramid, MyPlate, and all subsequent government related nutrition policy was created by a group of senators in the 1970s with no education with nutrition science.

Correct! Dr. Stewart Truswell, tells us, “The first edition of Dietary Goals . . . took nutritionists by surprise. . . . [It] was written by a group of politically interested activists with small knowledge of nutrition…The collected objections can be summarized very briefly: Too soon, more research needed, relationships not proved; politically motivated.”

Try again.

Step 5 of 6


The number of people keeping you accountable is your #1 predictor of long-term success.

Sharing your SANEity enables you to enjoy instant accountability and support from your social networks. The science is 100% clear: The more you share your SANEity, the more success you will enjoy. To help you live what you learned today, please click on the photo to share it on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Starvation Is NOT Healthy. Stop counting calories & go #SANE w/me at http://SANESolution.com

Step 6 of 6


Nice job! Here’s some recommended eating and reading to help you celebrate.

Recommended Eating

Acai Powder

Starvation Is NOT Healthy. Stop counting calories & go #SANE w/me at http://SANESolution.com

Recommended Reading

Top 3 Transformational Tips to Deal with Temptation…Transcript & Show

Starvation Is NOT Healthy. Stop counting calories & go #SANE w/me at http://SANESolution.com