Where the Calorie Myths Came From
Step 1 of 6
It’s all good if you don’t know the answers. You will get another shot at this quiz later in the lesson.
People have been eating starches like those that make up so much of the typical Western diet for a very long time.
Try again and don’t worry…today’s lesson will clear this up.
Correct! You are about to learn exactly why.
People have been eating sweets like those that make up so much of the typical Western diet for a very long time.
Try again and don’t worry…today’s lesson will clear this up.
Correct! You are about to learn exactly why.
People have been eating vegetables, seafood, meat, eggs, nuts, and seeds like those that make up a SANE lifestyle for a very long time.
Correct! You are about to learn exactly why.
Try again and don’t worry…today’s lesson will clear this up.
Step 2 of 6
Big Government’s Big Nutritional Blunder & When Did Politicians Become Nutrition Experts?
Note 1
Researchers have shown that 72% of what Westerners eat today wasn’t eaten for about 99.8% of human history. Over 70 percent of our diet is made up of unnatural food. Over 70 percent of us have unhealthy and inflated waistlines. Coincidence or common sense?
Note 2
This isn’t about cavemen. This is about common sense and the wisdom of grandma. The decline in the quality of our food is the cause of the decline in the quality of our health. Simple and solvable.
Note 3
“The USDA Pyramid is wrong. It was built on shaky scientific ground . . . [and] has been steadily eroded by new research from all parts of the globe. . . . At best, [it] offers wishy-washy, scientifically unfounded advice.” – Dr. Walter Willett, chair of the Harvard School of Public Health and commonly regarded as the most influential nutrition researcher in the world.
Step 3 of 6
The Wisdom of Grandma & Common Sense Cures Common Suffering
Note 1
Decades of advanced dietary research have taken place alongside spiking obesity and disease rates. This research recommends a diet much different from any version of the government’s Dietary Guidelines.
Note 2
Marion Nestle, PhD, MD, notes how the scientific community has long criticized the USDA’s Food Guide Pyramid’s failure to recognize that sugar and starch are biochemically equivalent within the body.
Note 3
Why don’t the government’s guidelines reflect this research? Why is a food that is “biochemically equivalent” to sugar recommended in mass quantities?
Step 4 of 6
Remember these? Give them one more try now that you’ve spent a few minutes going SANE.
People have been eating starches like those that make up so much of the typical Western diet for a very long time.
Try again.
Correct! Modern breads, pastas, corn and other processed starches have only been eaten since right around when the obesity and diabetes epidemics started. Starches eating during biblical times, for example, were made with radically different, SANEr, and now all but extinct species of wheat (ex. einkorn wheat, emmer wheat, etc.)
People have been eating sweets like those that make up so much of the typical Western diet for a very long time.
Try again.
Correct! The earliest data on sugar consumptions shows that in the 1820s people consumed about ten-times less sugar than they do today.
People have been eating vegetables, seafood, meat, eggs, nuts, and seeds like those that make up a SANE lifestyle for a very long time.
Correct! Prior to modern food processing, the only things people could eat were foods found directly in nature. And remember, there’s no such thing as a bread bush—aka modern starches are processed—and nobody eats sugar cane—aka pure sugar is not found directly in nature.
Try again.
Step 5 of 6
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Step 6 of 6
Nice job! Here’s some recommended eating and reading to help you celebrate.
Recommended Eating
Hemp Seeds